Woohoo! I got most of my Mu Mysteries research pretty much finished, except for a piece here or there as I run across it. I got more written in the actual story too. Not much, most of it was spent typing up the research, but I am so much more ready to do this than I was just a few days ago. And Chapter 1 is pulling together pretty good too. I am quite pleased. so far. **knock on wood**
I didn’t get the research needed for the Hubris series done, but it is not too pressing to the story right now. I think I will be able to devote most of the day to actual writing tomorrow. That will make a very nice change of pace LOL.
Oh, Antiphone. she is doing good. not 100%, but she is better than she was even this morning. she is mostly back to her old self. The vet said she definitely had a seizure, and that I have to keep a health diary on her for a while to see if we can pinpoint maybe what caused it, or (hopefully) catch the next one (I hope there is not going to be a next one) before it happens. He said it is more challenging to put cats on seizure meds…dogs are easier with it…but it is a possibility that we will have to do it. I do know she is still having a difficult time walking. She is limping on her front right leg…she doesn’t seem to want to bend it much. that is the leg she was screaming about the most just after the seizure. So hopefully it is just residual pain from it and it will get better over the next few days. I am going to try to keep it positive that she didn’t do permanent damage to it.. This morning, she was still pretty stiff, even this afternoon…but tonight, when I scratched her belly, she melted herself around my hand like she usually does, and she gave me lots of kisses (and bites) on my nose and purred for me. So I am taking all of that as very positive. I know she sure had me scared and upset last night. there for a while, I was sure I was going to lose her. I think how much she is loved, and how young she is, played a big part in her pulling through. I know I don’t ever want to go through that again.
It kills me to see animals and children be sick when they have not done anything to harm anyone. In a perfect world, I would not let either category get sick. but since when was this a perfect world?
I know one thing I am going to check into tomorrow…Twitter. I don’t know much about it, and if it is a lot of hassle, I may not do more than glance at it…but I am going to check into it and see.
Oh, if you haven’t, go over to Enchantment of the Mind and check out the front page. I changed it up a bit. I am also thinking of going through Judgment at Witches Court and adding a link to its page to put a page of my favorite quotes and/or bits of the text that I like the most. Thinking about it. If I do that, I will do it for Into the Forest as well…but slowly add to that page as a build-up for when it is released.
Shoot! I forgot, I need to add a picture of Cedric to the front page as well. it is not Enchantment of the Mind without him being on there! He is a integral part of it LOL.
ok. I am getting a bit slap-happy. time to sign off and try to get some rest. Notice the “try”. With Antiphone doing better, I think I will sleep better…
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