Thursday, May 28, 2009

P.S. bad anniversary

I forgot…been meaning to mention this all day, but…

I think that another reason this was a bad day for writing is because to marks my 19 year anniversary battling diabetes. This day is always hard for me. Some days I don’t think I will make it, while other days I wish I didn’t have to fight anymore…fight any of my health problems, but most of all, the diabetes…I just want to give up. But then I do have good days. I think it is the good days that keep me fighting, even when my very soul cries out for mercy. This day, each year, just always hits me harder with everything related to my health, and especially the diabetes. That is why I believe that part of the reason for not writing is because of this day specifically. Anyway, going to try to distract myself again, or even go to bed to end this day.

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