Sunday, June 14, 2009

bad week

been a really bad week. haven’t felt good at all. I hate when I feel like this. I cannot pin down why I feel so horrible…it is such a mixture of things, that it is like one thing is affecting another and another until there is so many new symptoms it is impossible to tell where it originated. I know I have had a few incidences with the diabetes, and then the migraines…but it is beyond that. I just don’t know.

Tomorrow is definitely the dentist appointment…I am not sure what he will do tomorrow…I do know at least part of it will be consultation to see what shape my teeth are in, and talk about dentures…but other than that, I don’t know.

I have felt so horrible this part week that I have not felt up to doing anything. I need to work on Mu Mysteries so I will have chapter 2 to post on the first of July, I have other WIPs to work on, but just don’t have any energy or feel well enough to do any of it. **sigh**

I received my Teach Yourself Greek yesterday, and I was looking through it, and put the audio files onto my iPod so I can start working with it…but didn’t even feel well enough to really do that.

I wish I knew what is wrong. I feel that it is such a combination of things…between the pain in my teeth, my head, my body from the fibromyalgia and arthritis, my diabetes, my digestion and colitis, it is just such a combination that I am just miserable. I hope this bout passes soon…


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