As I mentioned in my blog yesterday, I had to put my cat to sleep today. I knew it was going to be hard. I was not even close. I was up all night with him. He did not want to let go. He fought till the end. Gods the house seems empty without him, even with 6 dogs and 2 other cats and a bird…he was the love of this house. I crashed for a couple of hours when I got home, but…When he did let go, I saw him with his brother, they ran and chased each other, then settled down to groom each other. They are together again. they are happy. They are waiting for me now. But, still…They were my babies. They are my babies. Tonight is going to be the hardest. It has been 11 years since I have been without one or the other. I don’t know how I will do. Yes, I have Mo and I have Antiphone…but. There is that ‘But’. Anyway, I will be back on schedule with Words that Bug Me next week as usual. I would have done it tomorrow, but I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, and that will wipe me out for the day there, then I will have company all weekend. So, yeah. Next week LOL. For now, I go nurse my migraine and sit with my family and comfort each other.