So, I almost have ch. 3 of Mu Mystery ready to upload for your enjoyment. Almost.
I have it edited. I have it proofed. several times.
does that mean it is error free?
oh hell no.
I don’t think I could give something error free if the fate of the entire universe depended on it. **eye roll**
Take, for instance, Judgment at Witches Court.
Do you realize how many times I went over that manuscript before I sent it in to Mundania Press? I don’t either. I lost count. It was so many times. And I had my mom, my sister, and two friends edit the thing before I went over it again. Then I sent it in. then I got it back for the proofing before it went in. Now, I haven’t actually read it since it got published. I can’t. I will have to if I decide to go through with the sequel. but I haven’t read it yet. But, just glancing through for this reason or that, I see errors here or there. my errors. not Mundania’s.
Yeah. I need a sign. I found one that fit’s me perfectly.
“I see the screw-up fairy was here again”
That’s me to a “T”
anyway, back on subject. I don’t think I will ever turn anything in that is error free regardless how many times I go over it, so if you are waiting for that…it ain’t gonna happen LOL.
So, what you are getting tomorrow, is it. At least, for now.
I am not even going to attempt to fix my tenses. if there is something I am worse at than spelling errors is getting my tenses correct. My sister helps me with that. And I figure it is not worth fixing that until the serial is finished.
So, I am giving you warning here. you are going to get errors of spelling, grammar and tenses. I’m sorry, but **shrugs** I do the best I can. I can either try to get it as error-free as I can…you may never actually see the stories at that rate, and I will never get them finished at that rate.
So, take your pick…get the stories to enjoy…with errors….or never get the stories while I try to make them error free LOL.
What’s that? You would rather have the stories?
That’s what I figured *snicker*
So, tomorrow. probably tomorrow evening is when they will be up. that is what I am aiming for anyway. We will see if it happens **glares at internet**
For now? I am going to go read and try to relax…but I am probably going to end up in here tonight working again. So, who knows…maybe you might get it tonight.
We will see…..we will seeeeeee……
**disclaimer: writer I am, writer I will always be. But spelling I never claimed to own. There will always be spelling errors, even with the aid of spell checkers. Unless I employ 20 proof-readers, and if I do that, you will never get to see these blogs…so, guess you will have to put up with the spelling errors….or do what I do. Blame it on the Typo-Fae and say the spelling errors occurred en-route ;-)**