Back. We are back. Aren’t you excited? I can feel the enthusiasm rolling off of you ;)
So, I decided to change the title of this blog series. from Words that Bug Me, to Annoying Phrases. I was thinking of the AP Alert, and I still might do that, we will see ;) hehehe. But I was never happy with “Words that Bug Me”. too wussy, to whiney. Annoying Phrases, AP, better. AP Alert. better. Still not 100% but, we will see. I wanted to do a better acronym, but, I have never been good with acronyms. so if anyone has any suggestions, I am open to taking them LOL.
So, back to the phrase today. Bailout.
Talk about overused much? I mean, anymore it is bailout this or bailout that.
Bailout. when I hear this, I used to picture was a little old fisherman in a rickety boat with a bucket bailing water out of the rapidly sinking rig. Cute, right? Right. Adorable. Maybe not for the fisherman LOL, but an apt description.
Now, the image that is projected is a line of men, women, even children, holding out their hands for money or whatever goods that can be placed into them.
Now how sad is that?
We go from the cute little homey picture to one of greed and abuse. and yes, it has turned into abuse. something that was intended as help, has turned into abuse. it is not something that is being used for what it was intended for. it is being used for whatever can be gained.
My dad and grandma was the court shows every day. hours and hours and hours of them. Judge Joe Brown. People’s Court. Judge Alex, Judge Judy. Judge Christina. These are their favorites. And it is guaranteed that at least *once*, if not more, that someone is being sued for the stimulace (Hell, this is not even a recognized word in the dictionary, yet, it is thrown around every day now.) money they were promised…for whatever. it was never intended for private use, for bails, for private loans. it was intended to be spent in stores to help the economy or to help pay bills. but was that were it went? nope.
And people wonder why we, especially American’s are considered so greedy.
bailout. be it personal, or government, was not, and is not, used for what it is intended, and is being overused. hell, there are ads on TV now for all sorts of “bailouts” that don’t even relate to money now. I have seen them in relation to cars, furniture, even food. Food.
Sad. very sad.
So much for the cute image of the little old fisherman with the bucket and the boat.
It really is a sad commentary on where this country is going, don’t you think?
**None of these topics are meant to be aimed at anyone in particular. Some of them may touch a nerve, and I am sorry if they do, but these are my views. I am even guilty of using some of these and am trying to improve myself in regards to them. Besides, if we can’t laugh at some of the words/phrases we use, then this world is indeed too sad a place to be.**
**disclaimer: writer I am, writer I will always be. But spelling I never claimed to own. There will always be spelling errors, even with the aid of spell checkers. Unless I employ 20 proof-readers, and if I do that, you will never get to see these blogs…so, guess you will have to put up with the spelling errors….or do what I do. Blame it on the Typo-Fae and say the spelling errors occurred en-route ;-)**