Saturday, October 31, 2009

What Hides in…the Fog #6

I wandered the town for god only knows how long. The moon gave no indication. I never could tell time by the moon. All I knew was that my feet were incredibly sore from all the walking today. Through the woods and now through the town.

I half hoped my walking through the town would uncover some clues as to what happened all those years ago, but if there *were* clues, time had eaten them away. I *thought* I saw dark spots in some of the houses and buildings I broke in to that looked suspiciously like blood, but I am no expert.

Though it would collaborate with some of the survivor stories if it was.

Let's see. How did those ones go? I wish I had my notes.

It was something like the tales of vampires or werewolves...*something* coming and gnawing on the people, drinking their blood, ripping in to them. Who knows? They never *saw* anything other than the end result, and it *did* look like teeth, but nothing *pointed* like a vampires teeth. And nothing animal-like either. More human-like gnawing. As if in their fever, they had been gnawing on themselves. Which, is a possibility...the fever could have been producing hallucinations and odd behavior. The survivors could have been touched with it as well.

Though, nobody wanted to entertain that notion. All these years, they did not want to write it off to that. No, it has been speculation and rumors and fear.

Just my luck *I* got chosen to be the voice of reason.

Deciding enough is enough for the night, that nothing is going to happen, I turn to head back to the house. But as I near the center (yeah, some center) of town, I see the first tailings of the wisp of fog. A fog unlike any I had ever seen before...

This fog is not the brown fog of the city. It is not even the white fog I have seen in pictures that haunts the country and seaside...this fog is almost blood red. This is *not* right. What the hell?

It has got to be a trick of the light. Yeah. That is it. That and I have listened to too many stories about this place.

Then I hear the noise. Not howls of werewolves. Not insidious voices of vampires. Not the hiss of creeping fog. No, this is the chatter of woodland creatures. The chirps and cries of birds. The sounds I expected to hear as I walked through the trees earlier. Now this is definitely getting creepy. Not one building is secure thanks to me. Not the *entire* building that is. *but* I *can* hide in a single room. Yes, that is what I will do.

The question is, jut what *exactly* am I hiding from?

The woodland creatures don't *sound* threatening. They are making the sounds that you would expect them to make on a sunny day. It is just that they started making them when the fog appeared. And the fog...I can't lock the fog out...can I?


(to be continued…)


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