Thursday, January 7, 2010

I caved…

… and I don’t mean I went caving in a dark dank hole in the earth…I mean I caved to my characters and created them each a twitter account. Missy, Rita and Dominick can blabber about Twitter to their hearts content now…just one more place—or rather, 3 more places—that I am going to have to try to censor them from revealing too much *snicker*

yes, some days I think my characters have too much control over me… especially when it doesn’t look like they are actually making that much progress in the actual story. sheesh. come on guys. I gave you what you wanted…  now give me what I want… actual page progress… can we do that? here’s hoping.

Next thing you know, Reis and Iakonna from The Prank are going to want Twitter accounts too. After all, I gave my Ancient Lemurian’s Twitter pages, why not my Anicient Greek’s… LOL but so far, they haven’t demanded anything related to modern technology. I think they know better LOL.

anyway, back to Missy, Rita and Dominick… their Twitter accounts are: @Vaimpir_Missy, @VampireDominick and @WitchyRita. And already they are at it. of course… LOL.

I also have started the interaction of Allorana and Shashanna on their twitter accounts today as well… hopefully this is going to work out for all of these characters and doesn’t become too much for me… I may have to get my oldest niece and sister-in-law involved here… **possible evil plotting ensues…** ;)

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