Monday, July 27, 2009

The truth will out

I was finally given the cold hard truth about me today…**le sigh**

“You have no business talking to anyone today: you're a phony and everyone knows it.”

ROFL that was my sarcastic horoscope for the day

Since last Wednesday, I don’t think I have sat down much, except when I am at the computer working. In between writing I have been cleaning and cleaning and cleaning.

In fact, I am still where my last blog was at…where did the time go?. I have just a few more things to do to Ch. 2 to get it uploaded, and I am going to redo fix Ch. 1. I see a lot of errors that somehow passed me by, and I need to fix the layout a little…not to mention, the font. What was I thinking with that font???

I have also been working on my personal library, and my reference library. I am finally doing what I have always said I was going to do…make my library more on the layout of a public library…I am being very anal. Always have been in regards to my books though. LOL. This is how I am going to catalog them in the computer:

Catalog number (and yes, I am using the Dewey Decimal System…I have always liked that system.), Author (Last name, First); Title; Year; Series Name; Description (the dusk jacket blurb); Character names (only for certain series/books, and it will just be the main characters); What kind of binding; If it is a reference, fiction or non-fiction; genre; if it is a classic or not; and then, finally, the ISBN numbers.

I told you I am anal about it. I get tired of remembering a character name and not the title, or the title but not the author, description but not the title, etc. You get the picture.

I can be the world’s most unorganized person in the world, but when it comes to books (and CD’s) and computer files, I have to have things just so. I am going to make a personal library for the CD’s as well, but I don’t have that many in the scheme of things of those, so I am not too worried about them LOL.

Time to get back to the grind.

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