Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Words That Annoy Me…Hump Day

I need to sit down and write the list of words that annoy me so that I can sit down every Wednesday and be able to write this. I have a few planned ahead, but not nearly as many as I know that are out there ;-)

Today isn’t a word as much as it is a phrase…but it has annoyed me forever. This phrase is…**insert drum roll**…Hump Day. When I was a child to now. I hadn’t heard it for a few years and i was hoping it took a dive in popularity…but just in the last few weeks, it seems to have made a resurgence in my life LOL.

Hump Day. Yeah, it describes Wednesday as the middle of the week and getting “over the hump” to the end of the week. That is all well and good. But, LOL, when I was a child, I took it at it’s figurative meaning and wondered why everyone planned on sex on this day :-| hehehe. I could never figure out why, out of every day of the week, it was so special to plan for sex on a Wednesday…I always figured a weekend would be best…more time ;-) Especially for people to be talking in school or work about it! Of course, my brothers didn’t encourage this thought. ohhhh no. Not at all.

It took until I was in middle school to figure out exactly what people meant by this phrase. And ever since, I just cringe when I hear this phrase. Partly because it is just a stupid phrase. It’s Wednesday…big deal. Just another day of the week to me. But also because it brings back the embarrassment. Of course, I am letting the world in on this embarrassing factor, but hey. Might as well laugh about it ;-)

I know a lot of people like the phrase “hump day” and that getting past Wednesdays is a big deal for a lot of people…but for me, personally…dump it. Put it in the gutter where it sounds like it belongs and let it be washed out to the ocean. I am not a prude…oh hell no. I will answer just about anything. the key word there is “answer".” I rarely volunteer information. But, I do love the shock factor and will answer just about anything. You know the saying “Don’t ask if you don’t want to know the answer.” But…hump day…**shudders**

So, I guess, since I cannot kill the phrase, I will leave you with…”Have a happy **cringe** Hump Day.

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