Thursday, October 22, 2009

“AP Alert” - Organic

Wow, the AP Alert’s have slipped past me, I didn’t even realize so many Wednesday’s have passed by, I didn’t even realize yesterday was Wednesday until a friend of mine, and fellow writer – Amanda Devine (Name Drop! LOL) and I were talking just before I was getting ready to head out for the night LOL.

So, I said I would do the AP Alert today instead…and almost forgot again. So neglectful of me ;)

this week’s AP Alert is Organic. Do we even know what the meaning of this word is anymore? It is bandied around so much that it has lost its meaning. Everything is organic, regardless if it has just one molecule in it that is actually the organic piece, it is called organic now.

I’m serious. It used to be that what was considered organic meant that it had to be 100% natural to meant that guideline. Now?  if it has just one ingredient, it is organic. And if it is truly organic, then you have to pay an arm and a leg for it.

For instance, if you want organic chicken versus non-organic…first you have to hunt it down. if you are lucky enough to have it in the same store, then, well, you still have to separate which is the organic and which isn’t. then you have to decide, is paying at least $5. more a breast worth getting the organic? (maybe a slight exaggeration….maybe).

Same goes for the produce.

So, let’s move away from the produce and meat and let’s go to the….oh, let’s go to cleaning. now here is where they really get you. Organic.

first, it can be anywhere from the packaging is organic…not the actual cleaner. So, are you cleaning with a cleaner that is organic, or is the package what is the healthier aspect of it?

So, now the actual cleaner…now, is it all of the ingredients? or are they being sneaky and just putting in one or two ingredients that are all natural and the rest are chemicals?

See? they can be very tricky. All they have to do is put ONE thing about their product as all natural or organic and they can claim that title. and that price.

Now clothing.

Organic. just because it is, doesn’t make it better. oh yes, I am full support of natural fibers and such. In fact, I am absolutely in love with bamboo. best plant out there. fast growing…renews itself fantabulously. versatile. We have my office floor done in it and my bathroom towels are made out of it. But, again…watch your labels. I learned the hard way. What is advertised is not what you get.

For instance. My bamboo hardwood floors? They said “do not put anything on them. hardest wood out there. won’t scratch.”

I put one hell of a scratch in it the first day it was down and subsequently my dogs have done a number on it. That’s ok. I like the distressed look of hardwood floors…the more worn they look, the more I like it. but it shows you that what they claim, is not always what you get.

As for the towels? I spent damn near $100 for these towels. I have had them since April, maybe the end of March. they are already coming undone. I am pissed about these. The towels are soft. they dry rapidly. But, they are not put together well. Would I go with Bamboo towels again? I would. but I would be more leery.

Oh, another note on the bamboo floors….they are supposed to 100% bamboo. which was supposed to make them the best, right? Wrong. They have some other wood as a second layer. , the first layer, the primary layer, is bamboo, but the secondary is not.

But, this got a little bit away from the main topic of Organic. it did stick to the “what you see is not always what you get” but not to the organic LOL.

So, my main point is, Check. Don’t just assume that it is organic just because it says it is. And really, everything is claimed to be organic anymore….because in reality everything is organic, because everything has components of being organic…at least by the terms that it is being used by now.



**None of these topics are meant to be aimed at anyone in particular. Some of them may touch a nerve, and I am sorry if they do, but these are my views. I am even guilty of using some of these and am trying to improve myself in regards to them. Besides, if we can’t laugh at some of the words/phrases we use, then this world is indeed too sad a place to be.**


**disclaimer: writer I am, writer I will always be. But spelling I never claimed to own. There will always be spelling errors, even with the aid of spell checkers. Unless I employ 20 proof-readers, and if I do that, you will never get to see these blogs…so, guess you will have to put up with the spelling errors….or do what I do. Blame it on the Typo-Fae and say the spelling errors occurred en-route ;-)**

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