Wednesday, November 18, 2009

the “new” AP Report…Now Tiresome Term Tip-of (TTTo) - Authoring

If you read my last blog “What’s been going on,” you were already aware of the name change…if not, then you are probably a little confused…then again, if you are a frequent reader, or friend of mine, then nothing I do really confuses or surprises you. Because you know I change my mind frequently LOL

Yes, we have a new title for this blog series. The AP Report is dead and in it’s place the Tiresome Term Tip-of…or TTTo…has been born. The reason for the name change is this…I forgot that there is already a pretty big name news outfit by a similar abbreviation, Associated Press, and I did not want to be “associated” with them. LOL. So, I renamed this series to the TTTo. I kinda like it better anyway.

On to the Tiresome Term…


I am authoring this blog.


I am writing this blog.

I don’t author anything.

I am a author.

get it straight.

this has bugged me for a while now. You don’t author a story, you write a story. you don’t author a book, you write a book. And yes, I am aiming this at all of the writers out there that have referred to themselves in this term. If you cannot even use this correctly, then what the hell are you doing writing? *shakes head sadly* It is a very sad commentary on your writing ability if you cannot even refer to your professional status correctly.

Picture this. walking  into the publishing house, or more accurately anymore, writing in to them, and saying “I have authored a novel I think you would absolutely love to publish!” If I were the publisher, the proverbial door would be slammed in your face so fast you would get a wind burn, at the very least.

I can just see all of the English, and grammar teachers out there just cringing in disgust at that usage. Now, granted, I am not the best example of using proper grammar. I bet I write and say things that would make people cringe in fear and loathing…but at least I don’t say that I author anything. Even I draw the line at that.


**None of these topics are meant to be aimed at anyone in particular. Some of them may touch a nerve, and I am sorry if they do, but these are my views. I am even guilty of using some of these and am trying to improve myself in regards to them. Besides, if we can’t laugh at some of the words/phrases we use, then this world is indeed too sad a place to be.**


**disclaimer: writer I am, writer I will always be. But spelling I never claimed to own. There will always be spelling errors, even with the aid of spell checkers. Unless I employ 20 proof-readers, and if I do that, you will never get to see these blogs…so, guess you will have to put up with the spelling errors….or do what I do. Blame it on the Typo-Fae and say the spelling errors occurred en-route ;-)**

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