Sunday, December 27, 2009

(Belated) Merry Christmas and other stuff

First, I want to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas…it was so hectic here that I never got a chance to get on here to wish everyone one it that day… do I am doing it now ;)

We were supposed to have all of my family up here, but my other brother and sister-in-law couldn’t make it… we missed them… but it was nice to see the other brother and his family regardless if we were missing the rest of the family. hopefully we can see the other bit of the family soon.

They brought up the gifts for their girls and of course Santa came here with their presents as well. (The girls are 13 and 11.) None of the adults exchanged presents… just being together was enough… well… except, I had my present from mom and dad the beginning of the month… my Sony eReader. Which I am loving ;). Unfortunately I could not afford to get my nieces anything, and they knew it, but they got me something regardless… the sweethearts (Yes, Taylor, I am calling you a sweetheart… get over it :p) She made me a origami ball and Shaye got me a little mirrored aunt plaque. ;)

We had a nice dinner… spiral honey ham, yams, fruit salad, and rolls. Of course, I ate what I could, which was not much, but it was delicious so I did over eat and paid for it the whole of the next day which meant I could not eat much at all the next day LOL. and missed out on the pie Christmas night. Which the pies were pumpkin and peanut butter.

So that was our Christmas. It was chaotic, but it was nice.

I have not been able to get any work done writing-wise for a few…and I am feeling it. I am hoping that I will be able to get something done today/tonight. I need to. ;)

I was going to do a thing with Christmas/Yule/Winter with facts, some jokes and a story a few days before Christmas… but that did not work out. SO I was just going to do a story… again, that did not work out. I have not had a chance to do the story. But, the story in my mind is such that with a few modifications I can switch it from a Christmas tale to just a winter one, and I can do it anytime next month. So that is what I will do. I am not sure if it will just be a little story with no relation to anything I am writing now, or if it might be tied in somehow to one of my stories now…but it will be a free story that I will post to my blog like I did on Halloween. (And on my website… I need to put the Halloween one up on the website… make a few adjustments on it and put it up there .;) hehe)

Anyway, that is about all this morning. I do hope your Christmas was a good one…that is, if you celebrate it. If not, I hope your days continue to be good. ;)

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