Tuesday, May 12, 2009

finished…with one thing at least

Well, today I finished chapter 1 of Mu. Just a slight bit of editing needed and then I will be ready to convert it to PDF so I can upload it on the first. I am actually getting quite excited about this. How much traffic it generates…who knows. But it is fun to do anyway. Hmm that reminds me, I need to go over the website and insert keywords in the meta-file so that the search engines can place the site.... I forgot to do that when I revamped it. Not that my website gets much traffic as is, but…it is there for those that need to find it. I need to find a way to generate more traffic to it…gotta do some research on that LOL. I am still doing the research for the Greek gods so I can do the intensive family tree. So far, the two major places I have been using for my research, thus far, is the book The Encyclopedia of Gods by Michael Jordan (Yes, I am serious about the name there LOL. The first time I saw it I had to grin) and then I am using the website www.godchecker.com. If you need to do research on gods of any flavor (including demons and saints and martyrs among many other things), and you want to see it done with humor, I highly recommend this site for a laugh. I love what they have done with the information. I may go to a third source for the gods, but I pretty much have what I want from the book and this site for the background knowledge for the gods so I can adapt them to the Hubris series that I may not…Some of the main gods I am using, I do have to get some information about their attributes to go along with the information about them that they may require just a little bit more research, but for the most part, I have what I need to continue the story…keeping in mind that this series is not going to have the god(dess)es according to their proper behavior in legends…the information I am gathering is just for my purpose to make sure I have who is who right…for the most part anyway. Also some of the adventures they have had (or problems they have caused) so I can reference back to it by my characters. Let’s see…tomorrow is Wednesday, so I should be able to concentrate pretty good. We will see for sure ;-)

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