Wednesday, November 4, 2009

AP Report, writing, and blog accounts

First, the AP Report is postponed until tomorrow. I am wiped. Today has been a busy day for me. I didn’t realize I would get so much accomplished!

I hope you don’t mind that I won’t do the AP report tonight…I figure one more day won’t hurt you LOL.

So, I did a tremendous amount of writing today…tremendous for me that is. I did 9 pages….4332 words in Underhill. I am impressed with myself. Other than Halloween night, when I wrote almost 8000 words (and that was spread throughout the entire day), it has been a long time since I have written that much. and that much was written in just a couple of hours. Maybe 3 at the most. So, yeah, I could have done more, but…my brain was getting fuzzy from lack of food. and where my tummy is not digesting well today….lack of food is not easily solved today.

So, I have some good news…for you. it will be a little extra work for me. I have created some character blogs. Two for Mu Mysteries  and two for Into the Forest/Underhill.

The two for Mu Mysteries are for Shashanna and Allorana and they are and

and the two for Into the Forest/Underhill are for Missy and Dominick. Missy’s is and Dominick’s is

Each already have their first blog’s up…so you can wander over there and enjoy them already ;-) LOL.

As for me, I think I am going to go to get off here and take my nighttime pills…see if I can get my body to quit yelling at me. Read a little…possibly go to bed, or see if I come back in here to work a little more. Who knows. But definitely time for a break. This will be the last you actually see me tonight though. So…goodnight!

P.S. don’t look for any twitter accounts from them any time soon…I doubt very much I will do that…unless they push me to ROFLMAO. I think they are enjoying this a little too much. Especially Missy and Dom.

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