Monday, November 2, 2009

life and computers

If only life could be like a computer and the internet.

Think about it. Restart buttons. Ignore. Refresh. Delete. Save. Undo. Redo. Shutdown.

All those handy little buttons that make computing so easy (ignoring the frustrating bit LOL)

Wouldn't it be so nice...oops, I made a mistake. I think I will *undo* that. Oh no, that was better the other way....Redo!

Oh no, I don't like how this conversation is going....Ignore!

Ohhh look! I like how this is! Save this!

Ut oh. I. Am. Getting. REFRESH!

I am through. Done. Finished. Shut me down.

See how many different ways this can be used? Wouldn't it be nice to have some of the buttons of a computer? And no...I am not saying I want to be a 'doid ROFL. Oh hell no. Though...there are days that I don't care for being human, I don't want to be a 'droid either. No, I would just like to have the convenience of some of the buttons ;)

Maybe have a shortcut bar ;) *snicker*

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