Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Better day

It is a better day…at least for Antiphone. She is much better than she was last night. You can definitely tell she is not feeling good, but she is not screaming at the slightest touch and is moving around now.

As for me. Yet another frustrating day. I am still trying to find out what I need to do to get Medicare to pay for a new insulin pump for me. this is getting frustrating…getting? it has been frustrating. One of these days, preferably before I end up in the hospital, I will have the new insulin pump. At least, I hope so. All the phone calls I am having to make are killing me. I am talking to several people…and the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, so they are trying to get together to figure it out, and then they will clue me in. If you hear a scream coming from Utah, you will know it is me.


I will get this figured out. if it doesn’t drive me insane first.

While I am waiting for phone calls, I am going to make a couple changes to the front page of my website, and then, get some notes made for the Hubris series, and maybe…possibly…get some actual writing done. I did finally get the English/Greek and English/Irish dictionaries ordered. I have been trying to get the money up to get those for a few months now. That will help a lot. I am shooting to write in Mu Mysteries today, and if I have time, maybe a little in Underhill or The Prank. so many options. LOL.

So, off I go, so I can get some work done. ;-)

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