Saturday, October 31, 2009

What Hides in…the Fog #13

Still no answer, just the incessant hissing.

This is annoying. I thought, half-amused. Better amused than admit that I was a touch scared. I never did handle fear well.

I continue to walk to the door. I have no clue what to expect. This town is supposed to be deserted. Of course, any vagrant could have settled here. I have no clue what they did for food or water, but it is possible that *someone* could live here. There are no reports of it, and according to the survivors, no one stayed behind when they fled. They said everyone was accounted for.

Also, when the authorities came and collected bodies, they did a thorough search, and they said they had collected everyone, alive and dead.

So who this was, I had no clue.

Finally, to the door, I took one last breath around my aching ribs. Just what I had needed, to have an injury when I may have needed to fight. I hope not fight. I am a runner. Usually. As evident by my half-ass attempt to flee earlier. I *would* have fled if I had anywhere to go.

No use worrying about either of those now.

I braced myself. Though, for what, I really had no clue.

Stepping around the open doorway I faced the person waiting for me.

I had been right to brace myself. I had not been prepared.


(to be continued…)


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