Saturday, October 31, 2009

What Hides in…the Fog #5

Moving to the front door, I try it. Locked. Why lock it? They abandoned the town. Oh well. Ah, a window. Picking up a branch, I break the window and use it to knock out the remaining glass. Climbing through the now empty frame, I enter the living room. Dust coated everything so thickly that I cannot even tell the color of anything, but the floor seems sound.

This will work.

I quickly look around the house for supplies and see that I am going to need some more. I go back to the "store" and make sure to grab some candles and matches while there. Nothing electrical, or battery operated seems to work. And surprisingly enough...the canned goods, and even some bottled water, still seems to be good. Even after fifteen years...I am not questioning *that* luck.

I head back to the house and prepare for true night to settle in.

Luckily, the wait is not long. There is nothing more boring the waiting in a lust laden empty town waiting for absolutely nothing to happen.

Because that is what I was sure would happen.


Tonight would be the fifteenth anniversary of the *illness* that took over the town. Let's see if it would repeat itself with me.

I laugh. Not that it would matter. Nobody would miss me. This is the last stop before I was to be fired. I have no family, No friends. I don't even have a dog or a goldfish. I have nothing.

So what if I might die.

My employer even told me not to bother coming back if I don't discover what happened here. So it is not like anybody will check if I survived here or not.

Silence. Never have I hated it so much.

Tired of staring at the walls, I move to the front door and stare outside. Not a hint of fog. Never had I been more certain that nothing was going to happen.

A walk would probably do me good. Get me away from these depressive thoughts. I wish I had had someone to bring with me, but there was no one. Besides, it is one thing to bring myself on a potentially suicidal mission, even if it is of the mundane is another to bring someone else.

Grasping the door knob, I walk out and down to the road. Damn trees are everywhere. But still no hint of life.

I wonder if whatever killed the people all those years ago did something to the wildlife. But that couldn't be...the forest would be a lot different if that were the case...wouldn't it? Horticulturist I am not.

Shrugging my shoulders I walk through the dim light into the center of town. There are just enough stars and the moon is almost full and bright enough that there is enough to see.

The town looks even worse by the grey light of the moon. It emphasizes the shadows. Eerie.


(to be continued…)


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