Saturday, October 31, 2009

What Hides in…the Fog #9

Now that I have rationally determined that these are both an auditory and a visual hallucination, how the hell am I supposed to fight it...and what is causing it? Especially to have given it to a whole town all those years ago.

There has to be a cause somewhere.

I look around the town, and realize that I have not explored the church yet. There probably isn't anything there, but I have to explore every possibility.

Ignoring the fog, I walk in the direction of the spire.

To get to the church, I have to walk close to the fog...a little too close for my comfort, but I am determined not to fear it. It is ridiculous to fear it. I tell myself.

As I get close to it, I reach out and touch it. Just to prove to myself that it is harmless. But as I reach out to it, it shrinks away from *me.*

Yeah...fearsome, that.

Laughing at it, I continue on my way to the church. Closely followed by the animal noises, sounding angry this time.

Looking over my shoulder, I can see the fog is following me at its more leisurely pace. Yes, there is definitely something about this that is created more from the mind than from something paranormal or supernatural.

Or so I will keep telling myself until it is proven otherwise.

I walk to the church and push the door open. The first door I have found that had remained unlocked.

And, unlike the other doors, it did not squeal as I push the door open. Now this is an intriguing development. Why would this door remain smooth and the others not? I don't think God cares for the building despite what the clergy least, not to the extreme of keeping the hinges oiled.

Walking in, I see other clues that this building is not as abandoned as the others...


(to be continued…)


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